New Doors!

If you were reading before, you’d know that our sliding glass door broke on Thanksgiving Day. Glad to see our family tradition of some kind of house-fiasco-always-occurring-on-a-holiday-when-people-are-coming-over, is still intact.


 With three dogs, that back door is vital. It’s not just something we were going to postpone until after Christmas.   The roller had somehow broken off and fallen back up into the door. This made it nearly impossible to move. So it was stuck in the open position, or in the closed position… for hours.

So my choice was keep the dogs cooped up in the house all day or let an inordinate number of flies into the house.

Everyone was armed with a flyswatter.

  Luckily, the Loews subcontractor could get to us pretty quickly. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, Ron set it up that we’d have a new door by Wednesday.

Sorry about all the glare from the sun. I was using my cell phone because I didn’t want to creep out the workman. “Oh don’t mind me, I’m just taking pictures of you for my blog!”Ha!


And here’s the finished look!

Who wants to come over for coffee on my patio??

Let me know what you think, ok? Please comment.